Songwriter Camp

A Vancouver based, week-long, student-centred, project-based music and creative writing camp for Ages 12-18. Spend five days learning key songwriting skills, recieving instruction and feedback on your writing by industry professionals. The week closes off with spending a day in a professional recording studio, recording a group song that was written over the week.
Make friends, make music and grow as a songwriter.

Yellow Sun

Develop, grow and create in a supportive environment with industry professionals!

Book your spot


The songwriting camp will focus on key songwriting concepts and tools all leading up to the development of your own music as well as a professionally recorded group song.

Yellow Sun

Professional Recording Studio Experience

Step into the world of professional music production! Our songwriter workshop end with a group recording day  at a state-of-the-art recording studio. Experience the thrill of laying down your tracks just like the pros with our guidance. This project is alsofilmed so that you have your first entry into a portfolio as an artist.

Yellow Sun

Vocal Performance

Unlock the full potential of your voice with personalized vocal coaching and group singing sessions. Our experienced coaches will help you improve your vocal technique, range, and confidence. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced singer, you'll receive tailored feedback and exercises to enhance your unique sound.

Yellow Sun

Lyric Writing

Dive deep into the art of lyric writing and discover the power of words. Our workshop provides you with the tools and techniques to craft compelling, authentic lyrics that resonate with listeners. Explore different styles and themes, and learn how to tell your story through song. We will be exploring B.C curriculum concepts in English language arts and music.

Yellow Sun

Song arrangement

Transform your musical ideas into polished compositions with our song arrangement sessions. Learn how to structure your songs for maximum impact, experiment with different elements, and create arrangements that showcase your music’s full potential

Yellow Sun


Learn the basics of music production, including beat making, sound design, and mixing. See how tracks are built and collaborate on the production of the group project. Gain key skills for you to start implementing on your own production and creative projects.

Yellow Sun


Elevate your musical skills and knowledge with comprehensive musicianship training. Our workshop covers essential topics like music theory, ear training, instrument techniques, and emotive performance.

Songwriter Camp Pricing

Early Bird

Save money by registering before July 12th

Two Children



Full Payment ensures your spot at camp
Standard pricing

For registrations after July 12th

Two Children


Full Payment ensures your spot at camp


The songwriting camp will focus on key songwriting concepts and tools all leading up to the development of your own music as well as a professionally recorded group song.

Yellow Sun

Who Is this for?

Ages 12-18
All Vocal Abilities Welcome
Willingness to sing and write is all you need
No instrument knowledge necessary, but it's a plus if you have some.
Open to all genre styles.
Join us for an exciting week of creativity, songwriting, and recording. Unleash your inner musician!

Yellow Sun

When & Where

August 12th - 16th
10am - 3pm

Day 1-4 will be held at Palm Street Studios: 1849 Franklin Street, Vancouver, BC 5VL1V9

Day 5 will beheld at Blue Light Studio: 1839 Franklin Street, Vancouver BC 5VL1V9

Register Here

After Registration you will recieve a follow up email with all payment details and appropriate forms,

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